Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blog Post #2 - RECITATION - The Founding Era & the Idea of America.

Before I watched the videos, I had a basic understanding of what the Supreme Court does. I knew that it was one of the most critical parts of our government. I understood that the Court makes decisions about laws and whether they fit within the Constitution. I also knew the name of Chief Justice John Marshall, but I had no idea about his impact or why he was important.

After watching parts one and two of the videos, I learned much more about the Supreme Court and John Marshall's influence. He served as Chief Justice from 1801 to 1835. During his time in this position, he significantly strengthened the power and influence of the Supreme Court. 

I learned that the Supreme Court is crucial in protecting our constitutional rights. Its decisions can impact many aspects of American life, from civil rights to economic policies. The Supreme Court needs to be independent and not influenced by politics. This helps ensure that its rulings are fair and based on the law. The most surprising thing I learned was how the justices work together. They have intense discussions and debates, which involve interpreting the law and considering their personal beliefs and ethics. This showed me that justices are real people with a lot of responsibility.

The videos changed my perception of the Supreme Court by highlighting its foundational role in maintaining the U.S. government's power balance. I now see the Supreme Court as a legal entity and a dynamic institution that has continuously adapted to uphold justice and constitutional integrity. The Court is crucial in ensuring that the principles of the Constitution are applied fairly and consistently over time. This understanding has given me a deeper appreciation of the Court's role in American democracy and the importance of its decisions in shaping the country's future.

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